Apple Cider Vinegar: The Perfect Ingredient For Treating Acne And Pimples

As your daughter reaches her teenage years, one problem she may come to you with might relate to the condition of her skin. Teenagers commonly struggle with acne, pimples, and other skin-related issues, and you may wonder what you can do to help her. One option involves using apple cider vinegar. This option is not only natural, but it can work wonders on skin in many different ways.

What is apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is a product made from apple juice. The apple juice is fermented, which causes the sugar in the juice to turn into alcohol, and then vinegar. There are many types of apple cider vinegars you can purchase, but you should always look for a brand that is organic and unpasteurized. This type will offer the best effects for treating issues with the skin.

How does it work for treating skin issues?

When apple cider vinegar is applied to the skin, you can experience a lot of great effects. It mainly helps due to the qualities it possesses. Apple cider vinegar is a product that is antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral. When used properly and regularly, it can:

  • Eliminate pimples and acne
  • Reduce scarring on the skin
  • Open up pores
  • Balance your skin's pH level
  • Protect your skin from further problems

Because apple cider vinegar offers so many positive effects for the skin, your daughter might be able to use this one ingredient to get rid of the skin issues she is experiencing.

How do you use it?

When your daughter begins using apple cider vinegar, she should start off slowly. Apple cider vinegar is very potent and can damage the skin if it is not used properly. The best way to start off slowly is by diluting it with an equal part of water. Once you do this, you can apply it to your skin with a cotton ball or with your fingers. After applying it to the skin, you should rinse it off with warm water.

If this combination causes irritation to your daughter's skin, you might suggest waiting a few days before trying it again. The next time she uses it, she may need to add more water. Once her skin becomes used to this, she can use apple cider vinegar on it daily, and she may be able to reduce the amount of water added to it.

Apple cider vinegar is an inexpensive way to treat acne and pimples. If your daughter's skin is too gentle to tolerate this ingredient, you may want to consider taking her to a skin doctor like Dermatology Surgery Center for professional treatment options.

About Me

Meeting With The Dermatologist

One day when I was getting ready for work, I realized that my skin was less-than-pristine. In addition to toting a few patches of adult acne, I also realized that my skin looked dull and unhealthy. Instead of living with the problem, I decided that it would be smart to meet with a dermatologist. However, I was a little nervous about my first visit. After I made an appointment, I decided to talk with a friend about what to expect. On the day of my appointment, the doctor was super nice and took the time to explain everything to me. I want to spread the word about the realities of the dermatology office, which is why I made this blog.

