Why So Sensitive? Three Amazing Homemade Hair Removal Creams For Sensitive Skin Types

Unwanted facial hair can be embarrassing. If you have sensitive skin, you may feel like all there is left to do is accept the facial hair and move on. However, this isn't the case. The fact is, there are several natural ingredients you can use to make your own hair remover right at home. Below is a list of the best homemade creams that are strong enough to remove hair yet gentle enough for your sensitive skin.

Papaya And Sugar

A papaya and sugar paste is great for not only removing unwanted hair for those with sensitive skin, it will also help prevent it from growing back. Papaya is full of active enzymes called papain, which helps to break down the hair at its follicle so it doesn't grow back. Using sugar in this concoction will add a buffer, making the hair removal process easier.

Peel and mash a papaya fruit in a small bowl. After it is smashed completely, mix in one-half tablespoon of sugar. Massage the cream into the area with unwanted hair for about ten minutes. After you are done massaging, rinse the cream away using a soft washcloth and lukewarm water.

Lemon Juice And Sugar

Lemon juice and sugar work very well together when removing unwanted hair. The sugar is the natural exfoliant that your skin needs. Lemon is a natural astringent and will help remove the hair, while still being mild enough to use on sensitive skin. Lemon also has natural bleaching properties, so while removing the hair, it will cause it to become lighter and less noticeable if it grows back.

Mix together two tablespoons of sugar, three teaspoons of lemon juice and eight tablespoons of warm water. The warm water will help the sugar dissolve just enough to be a gentle buffer. Massage this solution into your hair growth areas and be sure you are massaging in the same direction as the hair growth. Let the solution sit for about fifteen minutes before wiping away with lukewarm water.

Egg Whites And Sugar

Egg whites work wonders for removing unwanted hair because when it dries, it sticks to your face, pulling out hair at its root. Egg whites are also very gentle on the skin.

Beat together an egg white, one tablespoon of sugar and one-half tablespoon of cornflour. The cornflour will turn this solution into a paste, which is what you need when you go to peel the mask from your skin. Once the ingredients are blended well and create a paste, apply it to the unwanted hair that you are trying to get rid of. Once the paste has completely dried, pull it off very fast as if you are removing a regular waxing strip.

You don't have to live with unwanted hair just because you have sensitive skin. There are plenty of homemade solutions that cater to your skin type. Using one of the methods listed above you will be able to remove the unwanted hair without your skin paying the price.

About Me

Meeting With The Dermatologist

One day when I was getting ready for work, I realized that my skin was less-than-pristine. In addition to toting a few patches of adult acne, I also realized that my skin looked dull and unhealthy. Instead of living with the problem, I decided that it would be smart to meet with a dermatologist. However, I was a little nervous about my first visit. After I made an appointment, I decided to talk with a friend about what to expect. On the day of my appointment, the doctor was super nice and took the time to explain everything to me. I want to spread the word about the realities of the dermatology office, which is why I made this blog.

