Top 4 Diseases And Conditions That Require Treatment From A Dermatologist

According to Medical News Today, your skin is the largest organ in the body. In adults, it covers an average area of 20 square feet. It is just as susceptible to diseases and various medical conditions as other parts of your body. Fortunately, a dermatologist has the expertise to treat you and relieve or eliminate these infirmities. Below is a list of four common maladies that this specialist can help you with. 


Rosacea is a skin disease that leaves the face and neck red and irritated. The redness may appear thick and bumpy, or look like a bad case of acne. In addition to causing irritation, rosacea causes low self esteem. In fact, the American Academy of Dermatology reports that 41 percent of rosacea sufferers feel embarrassment about their condition. There is no need to suffer. A dermatologist can identify triggers, prescribe medicine, and even recommend light treatment.


The scientific name for eczema is atopic dermatitis. This common skin condition results in patches of skin that are dry and scaly. It is most often seen in children and can appear anywhere on the body. The dermatologist will first perform an allergy to test to see if the individual is allergic to something, which in turn is causing the eczema. Next, a plan will be created to reduce the occurrence of flare-ups and to treat the patches that have already made an appearance.


Scabies are actually tiny mites that you can't see with the naked eye. They burrow into the skin and cause rashes. These creatures are highly contagious, so it is important to see a dermatologist as soon as you notice the itchy little bumps that tend to form in a line. A permethrin cream is the most effective at combating this type of skin condition.

Basal Cell Carcinoma

One of the more widely seen types of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma appears as a pinkish dome-shaped growth. Often, you can see little blood vessels in the raised skin. Commonly, you'll see this cancer on your nose or face. However, it can be present anywhere on the body. A dermatologist may perform a skin biopsy to confirm the presence of cancer before beginning treatment. Patients may require the lump to be scraped away with electricity used afterward to kill any remaining cancer cells, or surgery may end up being the best option.

It is important to pay attention to your body and watch for any changes in your skin. If you notice anything unusual, seek the consultation of a dermatologist. It is better to have the issue treated as soon as possible, so it doesn't develop into something more serious. 

About Me

Meeting With The Dermatologist

One day when I was getting ready for work, I realized that my skin was less-than-pristine. In addition to toting a few patches of adult acne, I also realized that my skin looked dull and unhealthy. Instead of living with the problem, I decided that it would be smart to meet with a dermatologist. However, I was a little nervous about my first visit. After I made an appointment, I decided to talk with a friend about what to expect. On the day of my appointment, the doctor was super nice and took the time to explain everything to me. I want to spread the word about the realities of the dermatology office, which is why I made this blog.

