Natural Home Remedies To Treat Adult Acne

Adult acne is more common than you might think. In fact, between 40 and 55 percent of adults between the ages of 20 and 40 regularly fight to keep pimples at bay. The good news is, there are several different ways to treat adult acne. So if you want to get rid of your pesky pimples, try some of these natural home remedies.

Tea Tree Oil

Hydrogen peroxide has been used to battle acne for years, but you can actually get the same results using tea tree oil — which isn't as harsh. Simply mix a few drops of tea tree oil with witch hazel or another astringent, and apply to your skin once or twice per day. The mixture helps remove excess oil from your skin to help reduce inflammation and dry out any pimples on your face.

Remember, overly dry skin can make acne worse, so you don't overdo it. To avoid drying out your skin, start by using the mixture in the morning only. If you have really oily skin, consider using it again before bed. After each use, apply an oil-free moisturizer to your face to rehydrate your skin.

Honey and Oatmeal Mask

Honey has antibiotic properties that can help heal acne, and it's easily mixed with oatmeal to create a cleansing face mask. Simply mix one cup of plain oatmeal with 1/2 cup of honey. Then, apply the mixture to your face, and let it sit for approximately 30 minutes before rinsing it off. You can also apply honey directly to infected areas of your skin or mix equal amounts of honey and cinnamon to create a facial mask that helps prevent bacteria from settling into your pores and fights any bacteria that's already there.

Egg Whites

Whip up some egg whites for a facial that removes excess oil from your skin. Egg whites are filled with protein and vitamins that help combat acne, so in addition to getting rid of excess oil, an egg white facial helps reduce the appearance of blemishes and acne scars and promotes healthy skin cell growth. Simply whip the egg whites from three to four eggs until the mixture is smooth, apply to your skin, wait for the egg whites to dry, and rinse with warm water.

Dealing with adult acne can be a frustrating experience. If you can't seem to find a natural acne treatment that works for your skin, contact a dermatologist from a clinic like Associated Skin Care Specialists as soon as possible.

About Me

Meeting With The Dermatologist

One day when I was getting ready for work, I realized that my skin was less-than-pristine. In addition to toting a few patches of adult acne, I also realized that my skin looked dull and unhealthy. Instead of living with the problem, I decided that it would be smart to meet with a dermatologist. However, I was a little nervous about my first visit. After I made an appointment, I decided to talk with a friend about what to expect. On the day of my appointment, the doctor was super nice and took the time to explain everything to me. I want to spread the word about the realities of the dermatology office, which is why I made this blog.

