Tips To Help Prevent Scars From Acne

Acne is bad enough to have to deal with daily, but when you have acne scars left behind, it's a reminder of that acne and it can feel like it will never go away. You want clear skin, but if the trade-off is scarring afterward, you might as well still have acne. Acne can affect anyone, no matter what age. If you are experiencing acne, you need to take some precautions to prevent those marks from scarring your face after the pimples themselves are gone. Read on for tips that can help prevent acne scarring.

Keep Skin Supple And Hydrated

If you have dry skin and aren't taking care of your skin in the first place, you will continue to end up with acne, but you will also have skin that isn't able to recover after damage from acne as well. To prevent scarring, you should keep your skin supple and hydrated by drinking plenty of water and using facial lotion on your face each day to prevent your skin from drying out. Drink at least 8 - 10 glasses of water each day, or more if your skin is still very dry. 

Wash Your Face Gently

You may think that scrubbing your face to remove acne will help you, but you may in fact be the cause of the scarring that occurs after your acne is gone. You should be washing your face with a gentle face wash. Don't use anything that is breaking open your pimples or that is causing damage to the skin on your face. If you wash your face and it's red, puffy or you have broken skin afterward, you need to switch to something gentler and use less pressure when washing your face.

Don't Pick Your Pimples

Picking your pimples may feel like your pimples go away faster, but you end up with the scarring afterward. Let your pimples heal on their own, don't pick at them or pop them. Use a warm compress to help them pop naturally, but don't pick at them. Picking your pimples allows the oils on your hands to get onto your face, and into the pimples, which is going to create even more pimples on your skin. Keep your hands off of your face and stop picking at your skin.

If you have acne, there's a chance you'll end up with scarring. Use the tips above to help you prevent this type of scarring so you have clean and clear skin. If you have an issue with acne, or with scarring, a dermatology appointment can help you to get clear skin.

About Me

Meeting With The Dermatologist

One day when I was getting ready for work, I realized that my skin was less-than-pristine. In addition to toting a few patches of adult acne, I also realized that my skin looked dull and unhealthy. Instead of living with the problem, I decided that it would be smart to meet with a dermatologist. However, I was a little nervous about my first visit. After I made an appointment, I decided to talk with a friend about what to expect. On the day of my appointment, the doctor was super nice and took the time to explain everything to me. I want to spread the word about the realities of the dermatology office, which is why I made this blog.

